Which is worse for you, dairy or gluten?

With the large part of the population suffering from an allergy it can make many wonder which is worse for you. Dairy and Gluten intolerances are two of the most commonly known allergies.

If you suffer with a dairy or gluten allergy navigating your nutrition can be a debilitating effort. As many businesses can lack proper labelling or clarification on what their menus and foods contain.

What allergies are the worst?

What we should all remember is that no matter what allergy you suffer with, if any, is comparable.

Some people may only have mild reactions to specific ingredients, while others may have more severe reactions. Dairy and gluten allergies can be difficult to navigate due to the sheer volume of food and products which contain either one or both of the allergens.

A mild reaction to dairy or gluten could be a rash or mild bloating. A more severe reaction could be restriction of the airways due to swelling and even anaphylaxis shock.

If you are unsure whether you have an allergy, always consult your GP for more information.

Are there health benefits to avoiding dairy or gluten?

There are many people who will avoid dairy or gluten even without having an allergy. Depending on the diet you follow some believe there are health benefits to avoiding one or another of these allergens.

The most important thing to do with any major changes in your diet is to consult your GP or nutritionist. However, some of the health benefits many claim that are related to avoiding dairy or gluten are: 

  • Reduced bloating 

  • Reduced abdominal pain 

  • Increased energy 

  • Reduced inflammation 

Among many more. If you do decide to avoid either of these allergens, always ensure you maintain the required vitamin and mineral levels that your body needs to function properly. Speak with your doctor to understand more about dietary requirements.

The negative effects of dairy

There are many studies that have shown negative effects of dairy consumption. With an increase in veganism, these studies back up their arguments to consume no animal byproducts.

Read our 10 facts about milk blog, for more details on milk allergens.

Many dairy products have high amounts of saturated fats which are linked to heart disease and high cholesterol. Too much fat consumption in anyone's diet can lead to many health related issues.

There are also studies which show links between lower fat diets and a reduced risk of certain cancers. This has yet to be delved into deeper within the rest of the science community.

With any ingredient, it is important to speak to your dietitian or nutritionist/ GP before you begin to remove specific foods from your diet. Understanding your own body and how it responds to allergens and ingredients can help make the choices easier. 

The negative effects of gluten

Many have seen a rise in gluten intolerance, learn more in our blog. However, some studies show that even without an allergy, there can be some negative effects of gluten.

When consumed in a high quantity due to the nature of foods that contain gluten, bloating is one of the common negative effects on the body. Bloating in itself then has knock-on effects that can provide you with more stomach issues, lethargy/fatigue, and more.

For those with a gluten intolerance, there can be other issues such as skin rashes and swelling.

If you have any concerns about ingredients and their effects on the body, seek medical advice.

Understanding allergies and ingredients is the first step to providing safe and accurate information. If you are a food business, try out our 7 day free trial of Allergen Checker. Your complete allergen management software system.