Ensuring Allergen Safety with Allergen Checker's QR Codes: Preparing for Owen's Law


With the impending introduction of Owen's Law in the UK, the food industry faces new challenges in allergen management and display. This legislation, named after Owen Carey, who tragically died due to an allergic reaction, aims to ensure that all food establishments provide clear and accurate allergen information to protect consumers. Garden Centre Cafés, like many others, must adapt to these changes to comply with the law and safeguard their customers. Allergen Checker offers an easy solution to meet these requirements through the use of QR codes on menus.

Understanding Owen's Law

Owen's Law will mean that all food establishments, including cafés, restaurants, and takeaways, must display detailed allergen information for all items on their menus. This legislation will be crucial for protecting individuals with food allergies and ensuring they can make safe and informed choices when dining out.

The Role of Allergen Checker

Allergen Checker provides an innovative solution for Garden Centre Cafés to comply with Owen's Law seamlessly. By integrating QR codes into their menus, cafés can offer customers easy access to comprehensive allergen information. This not only enhances customer safety but also demonstrates a commitment to transparency and care.

Benefits of QR Codes for Allergen Information

1. Convenience: QR codes allow customers to quickly scan and access detailed allergen information on their smartphones. This eliminates the need for printed materials and ensures that information is always up-to-date.

2. Accuracy: Allergen Checker ensures that the information provided is accurate and regularly updated. This reduces the risk of human error and ensures compliance with legal requirements.

3. Customer Trust: Providing clear and accessible allergen information builds trust with customers, especially those with food allergies. It shows that the establishment values their safety and well-being.

4. Ease of Updates: Any changes to menu items or ingredients can be quickly reflected in the allergen information accessed via the QR codes. This ensures that customers always have the most current information.

Implementing Allergen Checker in Garden Centre Cafes

1. Integration: Allergen Checker can be easily integrated into existing menu systems. The QR codes can be added to physical menus, table tents and talkers, or digital displays within the café.

2. Staff Training: It's important to train staff on the use of QR codes and how to assist customers in accessing allergen information. This ensures a smooth and efficient process for customers.

3. Customer Communication: Inform customers about the availability of QR codes for allergen information through signage and staff communication. Encourage them to use this feature for their safety.


As Owen's Law approaches, Garden Centre Cafés must take proactive steps to ensure they provide accurate and accessible allergen information. Allergen Checker’s QR code solution offers a convenient, reliable, and effective way to meet these requirements. By adopting this technology, cafés can build customer trust, ensure legal compliance, and most importantly, protect the health and safety of their customers.

For more information on how Allergen Checker can help your café comply with Owen's Law, visit https://allergenchecker.co.uk/.