Are there any free food allergen databases?

Allergen databases can be extremely useful for many reasons. From access to information as well as additional functionality, an allergen database is the next step in software for businesses within hospitality and food preparation.

There can be much confusion surrounding the world of allergens, which is why it is important to have access to accurate information. Many people suffer from allergies which can make it difficult for them to consume specific foods or food groups. As a business in hospitality or working with food; it is essential that you work to provide a safe service.

Knowledge is power, that is why we at Allergen Checker work tirelessly to ensure that the information we provide in our blogs is as accurate as can be. If you are looking for a fully functional allergen management solution try our free trial

Keep reading to learn more about allergen databases.

What is an allergen database?

An allergen database is essentially a place where you can find out everything you need to know about allergens. From what are the most common allergens down to what reactions are caused by allergens.

An allergen database is extremely important and useful for businesses within the hospitality sector. As well as those who work with food and ingredients. 

There are some softwares which not only provide you information on allergens but also allow you to create and manage menus and ingredient lists. Learn more about allergen checkers here

What can you find on an allergen database? 

You can find anything related to allergens on an allergen database. 

  • Detail on specific allergens

  • Reactions caused by allergens

  • Foods that contain specific allergens

  • Management of allergens 

  • Support and resources

It is important to understand the allergens and what can happen if someone ingests something they are allergic to. As a business, it is a priority to protect your customers and business from harm to the best of your ability. 

How can an allergen database be used? 

There are many ways a business can make use of an allergen database. The first use is for training purposes. Many businesses can benefit from obtaining information they can use to support their team's training and development. Having accurate information from a trusted source can help ensure the training is accurate.

Another way an allergen database can be used is to inform their customers about foods and ingredients that are served. This information can help customers make informed decisions about the foods they are consuming. 

Lastly, an allergen database can be used to help businesses create menus that provide accurate information about a product. Allergen databases can be a reference point for those creating a menu and listing ingredients and nutritional information. 

Are there free allergen databases? 

Many of the information surrounding allergens can be found online. However, with the sheer size of the internet it can be daunting to navigate. This is why Allergen Checker provides a vast number of educational resources you can use. Our blog section is full of information that can be used as an allergen database. 

If you are looking for a more indepth management system, sign up for Allergen Checker for a free trial. Our software helps you manage your menus and ingredient lists, while simultaneously providing you with the option to print allergen labels and QR codes. For less than £1 per day you can feel confident with an allergen checker.